
How To Repair Horse Blankets

Ultimate guide to using, cleaning, storing, and caring for winter horse blankets

At the end of a long winter, horse blankets tin can exist and then muddy that they expect unsalvagable. In this Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Horse Blankets, I'll show yous how to wash horse blankets thoroughly- then you lot can totally clean and restore even the most soiled and weathered horse blankets- with less work and ameliorate results!

By learning how to wash horse blankets correctly, your blankets tin can look bang-up and perform well for another season. In this mail service, you'll acquire:

  • 12 Steps to wash and restore horse blankets to nearly new condition, including:
    • An easy method to clean horse blankets with cake-on clay
    • three Essential safety inspections to do before cleaning
    • A elementary hack for getting shed horse hair out of blankets before they hit the washer
  • Plus you'll notice out:
    • Skillful tips for pre-washing and getting stains out of equus caballus blankets.
    • A guide to washing equus caballus blankets in domicile washing machines or washing horse blankets at laundromats
    • Advice on the all-time style to dry equus caballus blankets.
  • Finally, you'll learn how to shop equus caballus blankets properly and get rid of lingering odors through my summer storage hack.

Read on to learn my skilful advice for washing equus caballus blankets with less stress and struggle.

Ultimate guide to using, cleaning, storing, and caring for winter horse blankets

How to Clean Horse Blankets in the Spring

In our rush to savor leap weather condition with our horses, it can be tempting to remove horse blankets in the bound and toss them into storage to deal with late, but a chip of time caring for your blankets in spring means having fresh, repaired, gear up-to-warm blankets to pull out on that kickoff cold nighttime next fall.

Below are the steps you should take each spring to ensure blanket longevity:

Removed Caked on Dirt Before Removing Coating from Horse

If your spring has been a wet 1, when y'all pull blankets off for the spring to switch to lightweight overnight sheets or no blanket at all, there'due south a skillful chance your blanket will be covered with caked-on dirt. Since a blanket in this condition can't go in a washing machine (and wouldn't come clean if it did!) You'll need to clean this caked-on mud off your blanket commencement.

I do this with a rubber back-scratch comb (avoid the metal type as this can impairment the nylon material of the exterior). Once that dirt is broken upward a fleck, you can utilize a stiff brush to remove as much as possible. Y'all may take to repeat currying and then brushing a few times, depending on how dirty your coating is.

3 Essential safety inspections to do before cleaning

Inspect for Tears

Equally y'all are brushing your horse'southward blanket, look for tears. Once the commencement layer of clay has been removed, check the nylon for signs of wear and abuse. Oftentimes tears kickoff out tiny and can be repaired very easily, earlier being ripped wide-open up and ruining the blanket. If you lot're non certain how to repair a blanket, you can hands learn this skill from tutorials and YouTube videos, or you can notice a local small-scale business that does equus caballus blanket repairs in many areas where horse ownership is common.

Remove leg straps and check rubberband

The leg straps on your blanket should unclip and detach completely. Remove them and make clean them separately. Inspect the elastic to come across if it is too stretched out to exist reused another yr. The elastic used in horse blanket leg straps clothing out speedily, luckily these are easy to replace.

Check buckles and hardware

The buckles and hardware used on horse blankets vary in quality significantly from one brand to some other. Check and make sure that any quick-release buckles click together securely without resistance and stay buckled after buckling. Note any faulty hardware and check with your local tack shop to see if they provide coating repairs or recommend someone who does. Repairing is a sustainable way to protect the surroundings and relieve money.

It's important that all of the hardware be fully functional in your horse coating. Horse blankets that partially come off tin can be dangerous to a horse, since the blanket can be caught on something or forestall them from moving freely – potentially even causing a horse to go bandage and colic.

Remove, turn information technology inside out, and place over a contend for inspection

Once you've inspected the exterior of the blanket, its cloth, and hardware, it's time to echo the process on the inside of the blanket. Sometimes tears can be hidden nether the blanket – horses are talented in their power to intermission sheets and blankets!

De-hair the inside of your horse blanket

Unless your horse's winter coat was clipped, you lot'll probably find that when you lot remove horse blankets for the leap, some of your equus caballus'southward winter coat has already shed off into the interior of the horse coating. A satin-finish interior lining can reduce this. Whether there's a ton of equus caballus hair or just a niggling bit, you'll need to remove the bulk of it earlier you can continue with cleaning the horse blanket.

To remove equus caballus hair from the interior of a equus caballus blanket, use a rubber curry rummage designed to collect horsehair. The aforementioned brushes that gather shedding hair from your equus caballus's body should work well on your horse'southward coating interior likewise. A combination of currying and vacuuming is the all-time mode to remove plenty horsehair for a machine wash cycle to be effective.

Get your blanket ready to wash

Unless you have an ultra high capacity washer, you volition probably need to take your horse's blanket to a commercial laundry mat. The steps above should have the coating clean plenty that you won't be turned abroad at the door, but for all-time results, you lot need to provide a picayune extra intendance.

The hardware on horse blankets banging around in a washer can cause issues, simply more importantly, the tumbling of straps and their potential to attach to one another can potentially damage the blanket in the wash. To prevent the straps from tangling, remove any straps that can be removed and identify them inside of an old pillowcase or very durable lingerie bag.

To protects the hardware that cannot be removed from the blanket, clip any quick-release buckles together, and comprehend surcingle buckles and any other metal parts with athletic socks, then tie those socks in identify with string.

Prewash wash

Here's my best blanket washing hack: scrub detergent into the fabric on the outside of the coating earlier y'all head to the laundry mat.

But like pretreating a stain on a T-shirt the night earlier washing is more effective for removing stains, giving your blanket a piddling actress time for the detergent to work can result in a cleaner coating at the end of the wash cycle.

I do this by grabbing a scrub brush (a equus caballus brush with plastic bristles and back can work) and some laundry detergent and giving the blanket a quick-one time scrub with soapy water earlier loading it into a trash handbag and taking information technology to the laundromat. You don't have to apply a lot of water, and information technology shouldn't fifty-fifty be drippy when y'all're washed. Just use the bushels of the brush to massage the detergent into the cloth of the exterior layer of the blanket. This manually dislodges some dirt and allows the detergent to get-go to piece of work before you ever go close to a washing car.

Wash in a washing motorcar

Most laundry mats have equus caballus blankets, but some don't. Pay attending to signs and award them. You may too have luck visiting a 24-hour laundry mat and taking advantage of less popular times. Be mindful of others and don't exit a mess behind. If the washer has dirt and fur when you're done, make clean it out or pay for an additional cycle.

Be certain and use a washer that is large enough for your horse blanket, information technology may cost a little extra but using the correct size washer means that your blanket will actually be agitated and tossed in the washer- which is much more efficient at cleaning than if it's shoved in a also-small washer where it tin't be agitated.

Let dry out completely

Some people employ commercial dryers on a low setting to dry out their blankets. Arguably, this can amend the loft of the fill which results in more effective insulative chapters. Personally, I always let my horse blankets dry out on a debate back dwelling. It may take a day or two to be dry out, and I typically requite them an actress day but to be 100% sure that there is no backlog wet left in the material.

Most people cease here and pack abroad their horse blankets for the following year'due south use. Below are a few actress tips that, if followed, will outcome in blankets feeling like new and working just like they were intended when you pull them out in the autumn

Cheque Nylon for Fraying and Singe

Nylon webbing, with fourth dimension and use, tends to fray. Tiny filaments of nylon form on the surface. This is more often than not a cosmetic effect and doesn't contribute to a mature wearing out of the strap, but it can exist unsightly. To prepare this, you tin singe these tiny fibers dorsum, creating a strap that looks new.

singing frayed nylon webbing

This tin can exist carefully washed with whatsoever rut source that tin be aimed. Best results come from using a rut gun or small kitchen torch but information technology tin can be done with a lighter. Do this outdoors, abroad from annihilation flammable, and be aware that melting plastic will create fumes and nylon webbing can take hold of fire. Done correctly, the rut source should never come direct in contact with the nylon, merely brushing nearly the filaments which will singe and draw abroad from the heat source.

Manually make clean Velcro

Tack shop superstores sell velcro cleaning brushes, but here's a hack from a one-time tack store owner and equus caballus coating repairer: merely employ a safety pin! To clean Velcro or hook and loop you just need to insert a wire or needle between ridges of the stiff "hook" side.

A combination of using a needle to lift hair and fibers and using tweezers, pinching fingers, or even record to remove those fibers completely, results in cleaner velcro. Cleaner velcro doesn't only expect better, it provides much ameliorate adhesion by letting the loop side connect and settle into the claw side of claw and loop.

Fluff fleece

If your horse coating has fleece at the withers or neckline, past the stop of wintertime information technology probably looks clumped and ugly. Most people think once fleece is clumped it tin't be fixed, but it can be fluffed using the same method we describe for restoring and cleaning fleece saddles pads! Use a slicker brush designed for dogs or a carding brush designed for combing wool fibers. Hold the fleece in place and castor the slicker brush across the surface briskly. This de-clumps the fibers of the fleece and returns it to plush fluffy padding.

Combed fleece is softer on skin, fluffier, and better insulates

Store Deeply

All your expense in buying blankets, and effort in cleaning blankets, volition exist for zippo if you store your blanket in a fashion that exposes information technology to impairment by weather or rodents. I store my blankets in Rubbermaid totes or zipper style bags made for bedding. Adding a little scrap of cedar and, if you've recently purchased a new production that was packaged with silica, a silica packet tin assistance ensure that the blanket will exist make clean, dry out, and gear up to use in the autumn.

Tips for Washing Horse Blankets in Dwelling Washing Machines

How to wash a horse blanket at home without damaging your washer and dryer

Depending on how you wash horse blankets, sheets, and coolers, the procedure can be hard on both the washer and the horse blankets. Commercial coating washing services are available but are unremarkably pricey, and laundromats may not be an choice if there are staff on site that see you come in with horse blankets (equus caballus blankets are explicitly banned at many commercial laundrymats)

Simply never fear! If you notice yourself washing horse blankets at home, in that location are simple steps you can take to protect your washer and ensure that the blankets come out refreshed!

Protect the Metal:

Sometimes it'southward possible to wash a horse blanket in a home washing machine. One of the best secrets for washing horse blankets in a home washing machine is covering the buckles and hardware with fabric.

Tips for washing Horse Blankets

Nosotros employ tube socks, attached to the horse blanket with just a few stitches of strong thread (we use upholstery thread).  Covering the surcingles, removing the leg straps, and covering exposed D rings takes nearly five minutes only saves a lot of wear on our washing machine!

Gather up whatever straps that hang loose — like the surcingle strap. Place the tube sock over the entire length and stitch the sock toward the base of the strap. Conform the slide on the strap so the strap is as curt as possible before washing. This saves wear and tear and will besides prevent the strap from getting twisted around the sheet or horse blanket in the wash.

Washing horse blanket

The problem with washing horse blankets at home tends to be book. Blankets are frequently caked in horse hair on one side, stale mud on the other, and may have heavy fill up insulation between the layers of fabric. The drum that fills and empties in a home washing machine may not exist sufficient to movement the fabric enough to lift and rise the debris away.  But there's a solution:

Washing Equus caballus Blankets at the Carwash

Unlike laundromats, automobile washes won't chase you off for showing up with things that are actually, really dirty- they even include heavy duty clips (meant for auto floor mats) that are perfect for property a sheet or blanket in place while you blast the caked on layers of mud and horse hair.

The same method that works for refreshing outdoor furniture cushions- a trip to the carwash- works great for horse blankets and sheets.
The same method that works for refreshing outdoor furniture cushions- a trip to the carwash- works peachy for equus caballus blankets and sheets.

Car washes work corking when you just don't want to deal with the expense of a powerwasher or the soapy, grimy runoff. The softened h2o and high pressure spray at a carwash will return gross erstwhile horse sheets and coolers to sparkling in minutes. I've fifty-fifty had great luck doing this with sheets that were starting to mildew from beingness wet too long- one trip to the machine wash and letting them fully dry in a sunny spot in my yard had them looking and smelling similar new once more.

Later I'd been taking my blankets and sheets to the carwash for a few years I bought a small, portable power washer. Guys, owning a homeowner-class ability washer was LIFE Irresolute. only exaggerating a footling. The electrical powered hand-held pressure washer units have a TON of power, are easy to apply and maintain, and are almost what you lot'd pay for a round or ii of having someone professionally wash your blankets.

I like using a pressure washer for my blankets considering nearly washing automobile agitators only swish water past embedded dirt and droppings- power washing my equus caballus blankets cleans them through a through, and later on existence hung to dry in the sun they tin be stored for the winter totally clean.

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Many times horse blankets, equus caballus sheets, and turnout blankets and cannot exist done in a home washing automobile and must be taken to the laundromat. But some lightweight sheets, turnout sheets, dress sheets, rain covers, and quarter sheets can be done in a dwelling washing machine.

How to wash a horse blanket at home without damaging your washer and dryer

How to Launder Horse Blankets

Full Fourth dimension: 2 hours

Curry off any Dried Mud or Pilus

Use the curry comb to remove excess dirt from the exterior and so information technology doesn't turn to a muddy sludge in the washer. If your blanket has a liner that loose fur adheres to, curry the within of the blanket to remove hair. Consider rinsing the outside with a high force per unit area spray if available.

Check Blanket for Tears or Broken Hardware

Audit the blanket advisedly. Small tears in the spring tin quickly turn into big rips during the first cold snap of the following fall! repairing tears, frayed, and weakened spots when the impairment is minor can save hundreds past prolonging the life of a horse blanket for an extra year or 2.

Remove Leg Straps and wash separately

Permit straps are unremarkably removable. Unclip the straps and identify them into an one-time pillowcase. Knot the pillowcase and wash the pillowcase- protected leg straps with your blanket. This prevents the straps from tangling around the coating in the launder and lessens wear and tear on your washing motorcar.

Buckle all Buckles & Cover with Vetwrap

Occasionally horse blankets tin be damaged by washing. Frequently, this is through straps twisting around the blanket. Preclude this by
(one) buckling quick-release buckles to each other, and tightening any adjustable straps to shorten straps.
(2) wrapping buckles, D rings, and other hardware with vetwrap. This viscous, cushioning wrap helps prevent damage to the washing machine and muffles some of the irritating sound of washing horse blankets.

Wash in a high capacity washer

I always add Borax to my equus caballus blanket washes to boost my detergent.

Rinse Advisedly

It's important to rinse the washed horse coating completely, equally soap or detergent residue can lead to skin problems for horses when the blanket is used once more. When the washing wheel has completed run an extra rinse cycle or run a second wash bike, this time without using detergent, to be sure that blankets are fully clean with no sap residue.

Let dry completely before using or storing

If you're washing in low-humidity weather, you should be able to dry horse blankets outside in the sun. If the weather isn't agreeable, you lot may exist able to put the coating in a apparel dryer for a short tumble, finish drying the blanket indoors, or some variation of these methods.

Store Properly

Skillful blanket storage requires a low humidity, rodent resistant storage. The best way to store your horse blankets in the off season is in prune-lock plastic storage bins with a block of cedar wood (to repel insects) and a packet of silica crystals to keep the humidity downward and prevent potential mold growth.

Estimated Toll: 12 USD


  • Back-scratch Comb grooming castor
  • vetwrap (for wrapping buckles before washing)
  • large capacity washer
  • repair hardware/heavy duty sewing kit


How to get rid of smells in equus caballus blankets.

Washing your equus caballus blanket should remove about odors, but if an unwanted scent lingers, there are a few piece of cake remedies. The best way to permanently remove smells from a horse coating is to place the clean and stale blanket in an closed container with a natural odor cushion like unscented kitty litter or activated charcoal. To build a deodorizing storage box for your horse blanket, line the bottom of a plastic tote with kitty litter and/or activated charcoal (in a pinch, well-charred logs from an old campfire will also work), cover the layer well with an old towel or several layers of cloth, then place the blanket in the tote and close the lid. In 1-3 days you'll notice a significant improvement in odor, and after 2-3 weeks your horse coating should be free from unwanted smells.

How To Repair Horse Blankets,


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