
How To Repair Concrete Fountain Cracks

Tin this falling apart water fountain exist saved?

I have an quondam, three-tiered concrete water fountain that is deteriorating and have a 3-tiered water fountain that is disintegrating. Is at that place anything I can do to save it? I thought nigh a sealant, but it is dirty and needs to be cleaned, and I'm agape that as soon as I take a brush to it, information technology will fall apart.

q water fountain falling apart can it be saved , ponds water features, In addition to several cracks across the lip of the middle bowl it is crumbling along the edge

In addition to several cracks beyond the lip of the heart bowl, it is crumbling along the edge.

q water fountain falling apart can it be saved , ponds water features
q water fountain falling apart can it be saved , ponds water features
  • Anything is possible and worth a endeavor. Encounter if this site will assistance yous.

  • I had some physical statuary that needed repairing but didn't require a lot of concrete. I bought a small tub of premixed cement at Habitation Depot and gear up to work on the repairs. The items needed a adept cleaning, which I did. Once they were dry, I repaired the cracks and holes. I even repaired or remade pieces that bankrupt off of the statuary. My gargoyles has a new wing tip, fangs and repaired oral fissure/spout for my fountain. The basin received some corrective work to brand the ii sides symmetrical. A small mouse has a new tail. A large mouse which I got super cheap at a garden store because its ear was broken off, has its ear repaired. Everything looks new. I'g now in the process of painting everything. Then I'll spray them with a sealant. Information technology was easy and really fun repairing everything. I suggest that you lot endeavor doing what I did; get a pocket-size tub of premixed cement, clean your fountain of any clay and mildew, and then have fun repairing it. You will have to sculpt some areas to blend in with the balance of the fountain. It's easier than information technology sounds. Good luck!

    • Run across three previous
    • I tin can take pictures of everything now, simply you wouldn't be able to run into what they looked like before I worked on them. I haven't finished painting them. They take a base of operations coat of black right now.

  • I remember Liv has the right thought. Requite repairing information technology a endeavor. Just go slow, and enjoy the item work. Expert luck!

  • My suggestion would be Damtite, go the pulverization version that you mix with water. (You can employ like stucco) Y'all can build upward the missing areas with the damtite, just mix a more consenstrated batch to build up and fill holes. Then coat the entire fountain with the product to cease further damage. The product goes on white, and then you lot may want to paint.

    • @Kharper5346 Thanks. I will check into the Damtite. Never heard of it before. Does Home Depot sell it?

  • If all else fails, try and separate and salvage the fishboy and if nix else utilize him as a garden sculpture.!

  • Hubby used liquid nails. Still not leaking.

  • I think I'd effort whatsoever of the afore mentioned products before giving it away. It's a lovely fountain. Silicone might go along information technology h2o tight after going over information technology with quikset to fill in the gaps.

  • Hydrolic cement is meant for wet areas. I used information technology to plug a leaky cinder cake basement wall at my in laws house xxx years agone. It's still working. Wear thick rubber gloves when working with this. There are caustic elements in the mix that can burn your hands while the cement is malable. I also found I did a meliorate job with my easily than with a trowel. Trowels tin't feel what they are working with, but your hands can. It dries up fast so mix merely a piffling at a time and proceed plenty of clean h2o handy while you work.

  • Make information technology into a herb garden or other plants like strawberries

  • I take a suggestion and I am taking the time to write because I have the verbal same fountain equally yours. I rejuvenated my fountain with help from a visitor that specializes in decorative fountains: The company is Gardecor. Their website is The companies toll free phone number is 1-855-222-1001. You might have to replace the smaller of your two basins. Your damage is significant. Observe a basin of that size is easy on the internet.

  • D.D. D.D. on Apr 15, 2022

    I had the same trouble with a fountain cracking. The lesser level would agree h2o, but the top tier wouldn't. And then, I put bird seed in the top tier and water in the bottom. We live in rural wood so lots of birds. They can eat and take a bath. When information technology needs cleaning, I just apply a wet-dry shop vac to suck out any h2o or old seeds. The squirrels and chipmunks like it also.

  • The waterproof epoxy chosen E6000 can be used to mucilage back some pieces, and put into cracks...though all the little pieces may be impossible to reassemble. As someone else suggested, you could also coat the broken pieces with cement....though it volition be very obvious that it is a repair job.

  • I fabricated mine into a delicious garden....with the cascading plants..looks awesome

  • You can make clean it carefully first. Then using fiberglass mat and fiberglass epoxy you can refinish the interior of the fountain. The drinking glass will make information technology both water proof and strengthen the fountain at the same time. You can buy this product at your local large box store in the paint department. There are hundreds of U-Tube videos on how to apply fiberglass mat and epoxy.

    • @TipTopHouse - I will cheque this out. Thanks!

  • I have heard of a product called dirt to repair concrete.......I accept not tried it, but have heard it was a very proficient production.

  • I'yard sorry, Valerie, but I didn't document my work. I really merely wanted to fill an off-center hole in a gazing globe stand. I had a lot of the cement leftover, so I decided to see if I could do some corrective piece of work on the other items. I put a glob of cement where information technology it needed to get and then shaped information technology with my fingers. If it needed lines carved into it, I used toothpicks ow wooden skewers, depending how wide the lines needed to be. The gargoyle and fountain basin needed repairs on one side, so I used the other side every bit my design. I made sure that the cements wasn't to thick when working with it. I had to build up a few areas a few days at a time. The longest part was waiting for it to dry between layers. Information technology was like to playing with play dough only messier. I never tried anything like this before, so I'm far from beingness an skilful.

  • I had a two-tiered concrete fountain that was broken and aging, and I used Henry Feather Finish to hold it together and even to sculpt some shape that had been crumbled away. Then I used puddle paint to coat information technology and sort of dabbed several colors to make information technology look former and distressed. Worked slap-up, anybody was amazed including me.

    • @MARINA - Do you lot have photos? I would dear to see before and afterward pics. Cheers for the idea.

  • I'chiliad going to force per unit area wash mine w/sidewalk cleaner. I accept a small home pressure washer. Let dry thoroughly then spray west/water sealant.

  • I wouldn't apply a pressure washer on this project though. The cement is crumbling. Marina has a expert thought, for this particular fountain.

  • I take an "after" if you can imagine the top tier was broken into three parts with a lot of crumbling. The Henry Plume Terminate is a pulverisation that you lot mix with h2o to brand a sort of mortar. I used it to stick the pieces back together and also to build up spots that had crumbled away.

    • Encounter 1 previous
    • This looks amazing! Well done!!

  • There are quik concrete products that you can use to repair this. You lot may demand concrete agglutinative. I used to do art work in concrete and I honey information technology. It can be sanded too in order to smooth it out. I used a dremel considering my projects were non huge and so you could apply a larger sander. Withal, I would trash the bowls, go along the cupid, and build a fountain out of to different size big flower pots. You tin silicone large polish stones over the holes. I did a two tiered one and it was fabulous. Y'all could still use the footling cupid equally a decoration on top.

  • Cheers to everyone who responded with ideas to save this fountain. I ended upwards giving information technology away. I merely didn't have the time or free energy to dedicate and hopefully information technology's new owners have been able to save it and will enjoy information technology.


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