
How To Repair Viola Pegs

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The violin is a pretty straightforward instrument, simply it can be really frustrating when your tuning pegs "slip," or turn down to stay put. Humidity and temperature may be making your violin scroll to warp a fleck, which causes your tuning pegs to become loose and uncooperative.[1] Thankfully, it but takes a few minutes to tinker with your instrument so you can get dorsum to making beautiful music!

  1. 1

    Place your middle or arrow finger beneath the choosy string. Observe the specific peg and string that won't tune properly, then use your finger to lift and separate it from the other 3 strings. For the condom of your instrument, only adjust 1 string at a time.[2]

    • If you try to make too many adjustments at once, you may impairment the soundpost toward the bottom of your violin.[3]
    • When you're first starting out with this method, it may be easier to work with the violin in your lap. Once yous get the hang of information technology, you can adapt your instrument while it'south on your shoulder.[four]
  2. 2

    Turn the problematic peg i-2 times to unwind the string. Twist the peg with your opposite mitt, providing more than slack to the cord every bit you plough. Continue lifting the cord with your finger and so it'due south easier to distinguish and piece of work with.[5]

    Did you know? Y'all have to spin left and right pegs in different directions to loosen and tighten the strings. Left pegs, or the G and D strings, are tightened when spun counter-clockwise and loosened when turned clockwise. Correct pegs, or the A and E strings, are secured in place when spun clockwise, and loosened when turned counter-clockwise.[6]


  3. 3

    Pull the loosened string in the direction of the peg. Take your pointer or middle finger and tug the cord to the left or right. Ideally, try to pull the string i to 2 in (ii.v to five.1 cm) to the left or correct of your violin's neck.[seven]

    • If you're adjusting a D or G string, pull it to the left of the violin cervix. If you're working with an A or E string, tug it to the correct.[8]
  4. 4

    Rotate the peg slowly to air current the string onto the peg. Work in deadening, careful rotations, keeping the string in your opposite hand as you become. As a full general rule of thumb, turn the peg towards you lot to wind the cord.[nine]

  5. 5

    Button the peg gently into the roll while you current of air it. Don't jam the peg into the scroll—instead, push gently while you rotate the peg. Proceed in mind that as yous push the peg into the scroll, it will get more difficult to turn. Continue rotating the peg until it's tightly attached to the residual of the instrument.[10]

    • Pushing the peg helps realign it into the scrollbox. When you adjust your tuning pegs this fashion, they're more likely to stay put for several weeks or months at a time.
  6. 6

    Melody the string to make sure your peg is tight. Play a bones annotation on your string, and then employ a digital tuner to encounter if information technology'south in tune. Apply your refitted tuning peg to adjust the note up or down so all your music sounds beautiful and in melody.[xi]

    • Start by playing and tuning the string's base note (D, Grand, A, or Eastward).


  1. 1

    Turn the finicky peg to remove it and the string from the roll. Carefully unwind the cord from the peg, then set it bated.[12] At this bespeak, check that the tuning peg is in skilful condition, and that it isn't croaky or damaged in some mode.[13]

    • A functioning tuning peg has a visible, shiny band going effectually the shaft, which is where the peg rubs against the balance of the scrollbox.
    • If your tuning peg is damaged, accept your instrument to a repair specialist for help.
    • Sure pegs demand to exist twisted in specific directions. If you're working with a left peg, turn your peg clockwise to remove it. If y'all're dealing with a correct peg, turn it counter-clockwise.
  2. 2

    Rub peg compound forth the shaft of the loose peg. Visit your local music store and pick up some peg compound, which looks pretty like to a cake of resin. Rub the compound all around the sides of the peg so it can slide more easily into the scroll-box at the top of your instrument.[14]

    • You tin also utilise a regular bar of soap if y'all don't have any peg compound on hand.[fifteen]
    • You may desire to rub the compound into the peg with your fingers, in example at that place's whatever excess product.
    • Pegs tend to skid because they're pulling out of the scrollbox. Peg compound helps you realign your peg into the summit of your instrument.
  3. 3

    Insert and spin the peg in the scroll to spread the compound around. Have the stringless peg and push it dorsum into its proper identify on the scrollbox. Rotate the peg in a circumvolve to spread the chemical compound around the edges of the hole, which will make it easier to spin and adjust your tuning peg.[xvi]

    • It doesn't matter which management yous spin the peg, every bit long as you're spreading the peg chemical compound around the opening.
  4. 4

    Lubricate the bottom of the peg with more compound. Pick up your block of compound and rub around the bottom of the peg one more time. You don't need to rub too much on there—just enough to cover the surface of the peg lightly.[17]

  5. 5

    Insert the peg onto your scrollbox and restring information technology. Check that your peg is snug in the scrollbox, then thread the original violin string through the hole on the peg. If y'all're working with a left peg (the G and D strings), turn the peg counter-clockwise to wind the string. If you're handling the right peg (or the A and E strings), spin the peg clockwise instead.[18]

  6. vi

    Tune your violin to see if your peg is tight. Play a bones note on your violin, focusing on the tuning peg that you merely adjusted. Bank check the pitch with a digital tuner, then rotate your peg to adapt the cord.[xix]

    • If the peg still slips, try using a tiny flake more peg compound on the finicky peg.
    • Outset by tuning the base annotation for the string, similar A, Due east, D, or Yard.

    Tip: Peg drops can also be used if you don't have whatever compound on hand. Remove the tuning pegs from the scroll, then squeeze a drop of production onto the shaft of the peg. If the peg stays in place, restring information technology as y'all usually would.[twenty]


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  • Humidity can be a large factor that causes your pegs to sideslip. Practise your best to store your musical instrument in dry, climate-controlled areas then your scrollbox isn't as probable to warp, which causes the tuning pegs to slip.[21]

  • If you're really in a compression, y'all may observe temporary relief by pushing in the peg while y'all tune your violin. Try not to do this too often, though, equally you may end upwards damaging your curl.[22]

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  • Try not to drib or roughly handle your violin instance, as this may damage your musical instrument and cause long-term problems.[23]


Things You lot'll Demand

  • Peg chemical compound
  • Bar soap (optional)

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